Add New Student

New Student registration

Where is your permanent residence?

Is the current and permanent address same?

Education Completed (check whichever is appropriate )

Attach or Submit

  • Passport first and last page
  • Educational Credentials
  • WES (for Post Graduate Diploma)
  • CV when required

  • Payment Mode

    Payment can be made by cash, debit or cheque.

  • Fee Payment

    All fees must be paid on time to avoid late payment charges.

  • College Rules

    Student must abide by the College's rules and policies (Respect all staff, instructors and colleagues as well as the school environment)

  • Course Assessment

    Course evaluations must be completed when requested

  • Registration Form

    By submitting / signing this registration form, a student accepts the regulations regarding fees and fee restitution that are stated in the course catalog's General Information.

  • Please Enter the Captcha Text